Lasallian Ministry Program for the Deaf
The Lasallian Ministry Program for the Deaf (LMPD) guides the spiritual and faith formation of Benilde SDEAS. In collaboration with the Center for Lasallian Ministry, LMPD provides members of the SDEAS community access to various church activities inside and outside of the College. LMPD seeks to empower Deaf Benildeans by helping them realize their unique identity and individual worth as they serve God and others.
Liturgical Services
Daily Mass with FSL Interpreter
Through the Filipino Sign Language interpreters provided by SDEAS, Deaf Benildeans are able to attend Mass with hearing Benildeans. In the spirit of true inclusion and full participation, Deaf students of SDEAS also serve as lectors, commentators and altar servers during these Masses.

Mass for the Deaf
Benilde SDEAS, through the Lasallian Ministry Program for the Deaf (LMPD), organizes special Masses that celebrate the unique faith and culture of the Deaf. A signing priest usually presides such Deaf Masses along with lectors, commentators, and altar servers who are all Deaf.
Confession and Confirmation
Benilde SDEAS provides necessary accommodations to give its Catholic students the choice to receive the Sacraments of Confession and/or Confirmation. Deaf Benildeans receive the Sacrament of Confession through a signing priest, while they celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation along with hearing Benildeans through the assistance of interpreters.
Spiritual Formation
Retreats conducted in Filipino Sign Language are opportunities for SDEAS students to further deepen their faith.
Advent and Lenten Recollections
SDEAS students and their parents may attend Recollections that aim to strengthen their relationship with God and with each other.
Formation Seminars
Formation Seminars orient LMPD volunteers about their responsibilities as role models of faith within the SDEAS community. During these two to three-hour sessions, volunteers learn about the Benildean Expressions and the lives of Saints La Salle and Benilde.
This two to three-hour session aims to educate SDEAS students about basic Christian faith and God’s plan of salvation to humanity. To encourage student participation, the module is specifically designed based on the culture, narratives, and experiences of the Deaf.
Catholic Social Teachings
This two to three-hour session tackles the fundamental teachings of the Church, with emphasis on respect for human life. Through this, students gain a deeper understanding of their individual worth and recognize what they can contribute to society as Deaf Christians.
Faith Sharing and Prayer Sessions
Faith Sharing and Prayer Sessions are opportunities for students to listen and learn from each other’s unique faith experiences. In each session, a student is tasked to reflect on the Gospel and share his or her personal experience in relation to it.
Parish Involvement
Deaf Ministry
Benilde SDEAS establishes Deaf Ministries in different areas by collaborating with local churches and parishes. Each Deaf Ministry consists of SDEAS student volunteers, who work with other members of the church to make religious services and activities accessible to Deaf Catholics.
Trainings for Religious Interpreting
Benilde SDEAS conducts training sessions that teach interpreters Filipino Sign Language vocabulary commonly used in Catholic activities and celebrations.
Contact Information
The Lasallian Ministry Program for the Deaf
SDEAS Center for Deaf Esteem and Formation
Office Hours: Mondays to Fridays, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM